National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization

Vision & Objectives


NFCSF’s vision is to build a strong and vibrant co-operative sugar sector in India.



  1. To advocate, promote and safeguard the interests of its members in accordance with the cooperative principles.
  2. To participate in policy formulation at national and state level.
  3. To help set agenda for the development and growth of cooperative sugar sector in India.
  4. To organize meetings, symposia, workshops, seminars and conferences on issues relating to cooperative sugar industry.
  5. To arrange education and training for the benefit of its members.
  6. To arrange for technical support and services to its members for improving their operational efficiency.
  7. To provide techno-commercial services towards establishment, expansion and modernization of sugar factories within India and Overseas.
  8. To promote R & D activities for its members, sponsor research projects, conferences, seminars etc.
  9. To act as accredited representative and primary spokesperson of the cooperative sugar sector at the policy forums of Central and State Governments, business forums, international organization etc.
  10. Establish liaison with Central and State Governments, National and International organizations and promote cooperation with counterpart organizations.
  11. To advice and assist its members in the matters related to their management and operations.
  12. To undertake information services for the benefit of its members.
  13. To publish literature and documents on sugar industry for the benefit of its members.
  14. To undertake any other activities that are incidental and conducive to the attainment of its objectives and interest of its members for the development and progress of sugar and its co-products industries either directly or through strategically collaborative joint ventures or partnership with organisations including insurance etc. within India and abroad.