National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization


The following categories of membership are available:


Member: Registered individual cooperative sugar factories of sugarcane growers which have received licences/letters of intent under the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act and/or any Cooperative Societies Act and individual cooperative sugar factories which have received or filed Industrial Entrepreneurial Memorandum (IEM) for setting up cooperative sugar factory or have set up cooperative sugar factory under IEM can become member of NFCSF.


Associate Member: Any person / society  / institution /Organization whom NFCSF is likely to provide services can become an Associate member. Such entity may request for admission in the prescribed membership application form along with non-refundable admission fee of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only). The applicants will become a member only after their application is duly accepted by the Board of Directors of NFCSF. Such members will, however, not have any right to vote or participate in the management of NFCSF. The associate member can be expelled by the Board of Directors if the associate member does any act or is found to be working against the objects or interest of NFCSF.



Application form for Membership 

Application form for Associate membership