National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited
An ISO:9001 Certified Organization

About us

National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited (NFCSF)

The National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited (NFCSF) was established in 1960 to build a strong and vibrant co-operative sugar sector in India. All the Cooperative Sugar Factories and State Cooperative Sugar Federations across the country are its members.
The Federation participates in sugar policy formulation at national and state level and helps set agenda for the development and growth of the sector in India. The Federation advocates, promotes and safeguards the collective interests of its members in accordance with the cooperative principles.
In order to enhance capacity, quality and efficiency in the sugar sector, NFCSF also offers Techno-commercial services to establish, expand and modernize sugar factories, within India and Overseas.


The National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd (NFCSF) was registered as a Multi-Unit Cooperative Society on December 2, 1960 under the provisions of Bombay Cooperative Societies Act 1925 as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi. In 1972, it was deemed to be under The Delhi Cooperative Societies Act 1972 and later under the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 1984. Since, 2002, NFCSF is deemed to be under the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002.

NFCSF owes its establishment to the following resolution adopted at the first all India seminar on cooperative sugar factories, held in Etikoppaka, Andhra Pradesh in 1957.
“There is a need for a promotional agency for coordination of efforts in the field of establishment of cooperative sugar factories in India, for the provision of technical advice and help, for acting as an exponent of cooperative opinions on matters connected with this programme etc”.


NFCSF was established at a time when there were only 30 cooperative sugar factories producing 14.9% of the total sugar production. Under the guidance of NFCSF the capacity of the existing cooperative sugar factories were increased, new cooperative sugar factories were set up, yield of sugarcane per hectare and sugar recovery % cane was improved, resulting in increased sugar production. Today the cooperative sector of the sugar industry is responsible for about 35 per cent of the national production of sugar.
NFCSF has representations on various Ministries / Forums of Government of India like Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Commerce, Consumer Affairs, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Industries, etc. NFCSF has been behind the phenomenal growth of Indian Sugar Industry, particularly in co-operative sector through its Technical Cell created in 1977. It has provided Technical and Managerial services to about 130 new sugar mills capacities ranging from 1250 TCD to 10000 TCD and 70 existing mills in implementing their technology up-gradation, expansion, modernization, rehabilitation projects and Sugarcane Development Activities etc.
In essence, NFCSF’s main endeavour is directed towards the economic betterment of cane growers in India. Many sugar factories of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Ethiopia, Medagaskar, Ghana, Sudan etc. have taken lead under the aegis of NFCSF for their modernization, technological up-gradation, expansion, improvement in process efficiency and energy conservation etc.


The National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited (NFCSF) functions under the overall guidance of an elected Board of Directors, comprising of representatives of Cooperative Sugar Factories and State Sugar Federations across India. The federation is governed by the Multi-State Co-operative Societies (MSCS) Act 2002.

Key Functionaries  
Mr. Jaiprakash Dandegaonkar
Mr. Ketanbhai C. Patel
Vice President
Mr. Prakash Naiknavare
Managing Director

List of Members of Board of Directors